Saturday 25 February 2012


I have always loved my stay upcountry because of the serene environs; the cool fresh air accompanied with the peace and quiet. This is a package one really misses once in the urban centers. Ever had that feeling of exhaustion filled with suffocation? How about you visit a town like Nairobi or Kisumu and experience the chaos that are irresistible however much you may try to dodge them.
I remember this year when I arrived to Nairobi from upcountry after my Christmas holidays, i alighted at the Central Business District (CBD) for it was easier to commute to my destination from there, however, the disaster awaiting my arrival was devastating; matatus playing loud music to woo passengers, stalls competing to attract customers by playing loud music, hawkers shouting at the top of their voices to convince unwilling customers, vehicles hooting unnecessarily, the whole scenario was unbearable!  
So, I board another vehicle for my final destination, Buruburu. Approaching the estate was more frustrating than what I had just encountered in town. From all I could see outside my window was heart breaking, and the question that kept running through my mind was, ‘when did residents become so careless in the conservation of their environment?’ I could see dumpsites in different corners, garbage in the drainage systems and along the roads, so what happened to the proper disposal of garbage and use of the drainage systems?
However, I do not entirely blame the residents for this un-shameful behavior of disrespecting Mother Nature, there is a system put in place where different companies are given a tender to collect garbage from different estates and drop them at a particular location. Given that they are paid for these services by residents, why is it that they fail to carry out their duties as required?
 Finally, I arrive at home and as I alighted from the vehicle, I was really touched when I saw children playing with dirty water that someone had carelessly poured outside. Doesn’t it strike to people that this could be a health hazard? Exposed to such unhygienic conditions, these children are exposed to life threatening diseases since they are vulnerable.

One lesson we should all learn is that conserving the environment starts with us. We should take charge of our environment because the change we all want starts with us. It all starts with self discipline. For instance, if one has done laundry at their home, it wouldn’t be a difficult task for someone to take that water and use it to wash his/her toilet, instead of throwing organic waste from the kitchen and littering the streets, one should use it as manure in the  garden.
Becoming eco friendly is not rocket science, few aspects can be applied like separating organic and inorganic waste instead of mixing them, plant trees in open places in an effort of curbing global warming, adding aesthetic beauty, providing shade and offer home to birds. Drainage channels should never be encroached as this tends to block them resulting to spillage of grey waste which posses a health risk to the general population with outbreaks of diseases like dysentery, cholera, typhoid fever since they can contaminate clean drinking water. Take charge in environmental conservation!

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