Tuesday 10 July 2012


The beauty of conservation is the ability of everyone embracing creative ways of expressing their inner understanding on the surrounding they want. This is witnessed in the expression of school children through art on what they think about the environment, how they wish it to be and what they intend to do in order to conserve the environment. Thanks alot for THE JAN MARTIN McGuire DRAWING CHALLENGE 2012 for strengthening environmental understanding  while embracing art.

Four schools played part in this exercise with competitors reaching 300. I believe it will keep on growing as we continue. Please play part too in making a difference by supporting us and the Children and the Environment.

It is amazing how you can express understanding of the environment through art. So let us all play part in promoting talent and creativity like art in conservation exercises.

 And here are some of the future great conservationists and artists and painters.

And after the challenge, a reward of a trophy was awarded to the best. The decision was reached based on creativity and the understanding of conservation. Thanks Oluowa Primary School for giving the best this time.

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